I’m a sentimental person. I’d bravely say that dealing with my feelings well helped me get through the crazy stage of adolescence and early adulthood. From the pressures at school to getting dumped by jerks I used to call boyfriends and mutual understanding-mates, I found solace in the little device known popularly as the radio.
Like any average girl, I had my favorite radio station. It played soothing songs when it’s time to relax; slightly upbeat songs in the morning when I needed to move a little faster. I read my lessons, did homework assignments, dissected animals, stayed late typing reports & projects, drew countless microscopic images – while listening to this particular station.
In some occasions and more importantly, I sought solace listening to it when I felt bad. I’d prop the speaker beside my pillow, sulk in my emotions while relishing the songs, and cry silently until I fall asleep. I’d always feel better the morning after.
I remember when I was very tired coming home from a 36-hour shift at the hospital, I let out a sigh of relief when I realized the cab driver was tuned in to my favorite station.
Which is why I’ve been feeling disappointed lately when they changed the format to something else. Yes, they still played “light rock”, but something felt different. Annoyingly different.
Little did I know that the original station got sold to a radio company whose stations catered to jeepney drivers, household help, and the like. I have nothing against them; we just have different tastes which has got nothing to do with socio-economic status. All I’m saying is, my favorite station is no more. It disappeared just like that and fans like me have nothing to remember it by.
The “selling” occurred almost a year ago, and the reason why I just learned about it now is because the “new” station seemed quite successful in mimicking the original station’s choice of songs. The jingles are a bit awkward, but when the new DJs start talking, things take a different almost ugly, turn. It just wasn’t the same.
So when I stumbled upon e-radio portal, I was led to the revelation. Now I know why it just didn’t feel right. The original deal is right here -
- and I'm so glad, more than ever, that I found this. It's like finding a long-lost friend. I don't think I have to say more.