Monday, August 31, 2009

A Newfound Longlost Friend

I’m a sentimental person. I’d bravely say that dealing with my feelings well helped me get through the crazy stage of adolescence and early adulthood. From the pressures at school to getting dumped by jerks I used to call boyfriends and mutual understanding-mates, I found solace in the little device known popularly as the radio.

Like any average girl, I had my favorite radio station. It played soothing songs when it’s time to relax; slightly upbeat songs in the morning when I needed to move a little faster. I read my lessons, did homework assignments, dissected animals, stayed late typing reports & projects, drew countless microscopic images – while listening to this particular station.

In some occasions and more importantly, I sought solace listening to it when I felt bad. I’d prop the speaker beside my pillow, sulk in my emotions while relishing the songs, and cry silently until I fall asleep. I’d always feel better the morning after.

I remember when I was very tired coming home from a 36-hour shift at the hospital, I let out a sigh of relief when I realized the cab driver was tuned in to my favorite station.

Which is why I’ve been feeling disappointed lately when they changed the format to something else. Yes, they still played “light rock”, but something felt different. Annoyingly different.

Little did I know that the original station got sold to a radio company whose stations catered to jeepney drivers, household help, and the like. I have nothing against them; we just have different tastes which has got nothing to do with socio-economic status. All I’m saying is, my favorite station is no more. It disappeared just like that and fans like me have nothing to remember it by.

The “selling” occurred almost a year ago, and the reason why I just learned about it now is because the “new” station seemed quite successful in mimicking the original station’s choice of songs. The jingles are a bit awkward, but when the new DJs start talking, things take a different almost ugly, turn. It just wasn’t the same.

So when I stumbled upon e-radio portal, I was led to the revelation. Now I know why it just didn’t feel right. The original deal is right here -

Get Microsoft Silverlight

- and I'm so glad, more than ever, that I found this. It's like finding a long-lost friend. I don't think I have to say more.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An Open Letter to my Calamba Medical Center Family

Dear girls,

This is it! I'm making my biggest move so far. And I know you all understand why I'm doing this. I'm happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because little by little I know that Noy and I would have a "normal" life. Sad, because in doing so I'll have to stop working with you. It's been a great year for me. I had highs and lows and I'm thankful that you all get to be part of these important life events of mine.

Let me give the first credit to one person who made this possible. Funny how some seemingly unfavorable life circumstances could lead to fruitful ones. Dra OCHIE, there was a reason you had to leave so I can take over. I believe that God works in wonderfully different ways that we could only sigh in thankful disbelief when we finally realize all that trouble was worth it. Thank you for the insane rides home; I enjoy every minute chit-chatting with you, and I'm glad you get to join us every now and then. I wish Perfect Guy would come swoon you off your feet soon; that would make me really happy.

To my long lost cousin ANGIE, thank you for always letting me get a ride first before getting on your own jeepney home. It's a simple everyday gesture that I truly appreciate. I guess it's second nature of a LACHICA to be considerate of others, and somehow I see myself in you in all your selfless cares, toxicities, worries and troubles - some painfully unnecessary. But I know that you are strong deep inside no matter how vulnerable you may seem. I just wish that you finally get what you have always wanted. You deserve it. Please don't forget to send me an invite to your wedding. In fact, it would be a pleasure to help you out with the preps. *wink*

IANNE, you are the life of our own little party. Your enthusiastic funny nature always perks up my mornings. Ginawa yata kitang kape - hahaha! You may not be aware of it until now, but yes you do wanna make me get up and go sometimes when work sometimes gets a little boring. And I wanna thank you for that. I wish we'd have more time exploring the wonders of LB. I know that you are in an uncool situation right now, but have faith. Everything works out for the best, as long as we see what God deems as the best for us. If you get pregnant soon, we'll pray that darling Yael will have a baby sister :)

My dear dear NISA, I know these words won't be needed, because I know that you already know. I'm not sure if this will ever happen, but if Chris & Noy would finally get the chance to sit and talk, we both know they're going to get goosebumps from realizing that they have so much in common. That's our little secret that I'm too perky to keep as such. How can I ever thank you for pampering me all this time? Wasn't little Lianne ever threatened? Ayan tuloy natatakot ako mag-start sa pgh kasi feeling ko wala talaga akong alam. Haha! Seriously though I would never have gone through work without your guidance and patience. So thank you. For this and for everything else. You already know what.

And to the one who started this all - LIZBETH - I still remember how I almost ditched that one text saying you needed a new doctor. I was from duty then, really sleepy and was finding it hard to comprehend anything important. Thank you for remembering me - it could have been anyone. I'm still in awe trying to put together what we've talked about on the way to ATC the other day. I can only nod in approval and be amazed. We are truly blessed. I am blessed. To have met you, known you better and worked with you.

Could you please tell our bosses, Doc Kat and Doc Saldy that since I can't make them ninang & ninong at my wedding, they be my life heroes na lang? Dra Kat, for her unrelenting spiritual advice and Doc Saldy, for his unwaivering belief in me. I've never felt much support in my present endeavor. And for that I am forever grateful.

I'll never eat tulingan, tortillos, sweet corn, banana & camote cue, pizza hut's italian pizzas, chowking fried rice and smokey's hotdogs, or drink tequila the same way again.
I'll never shop at an ukay-ukay the same way again. I'll never stroll through a Waltermart (if I ever would) the same way again.

I'd simply be transported back to the time when I was surrounded by people who truly cared.

When I look at a Clomiphene tablet, chances are I'd remember Ate Joy. Please tell her I thanked her publicly for the literally lots of support!

I love you girls. When this finally pays off, please be at my baby's christening rites. Let's have tequila, tortillos and a big Conti's Mango Bravo after the party.


Monday, August 10, 2009

The Perfect Fit

When Noy and I got married in 2007, we had this unity candle custom-made for the ceremony. Since our wedding was beach-themed, we thought it would be nice to have it look like one. The most we and the candle maker could do was make an aquarium out of a large glass vase, white sand, some trinkets including a pair of rings, and put wickered clear gel on top. We kinda liked it. We could have put fish in it but thought it would be weird.

our unity candle pre-wedding

After the wedding, we placed it on one of our corner tables at home. Because it can't be lit again (it barely did during the wedding) we never really used it. We tried to light it once on our first anniversary, but of course it didn't; what with the barely-there wicker and accumulated dust. Time passed and we noticed this film of dirt from the inside gradually enlarging in size, until we barely saw through the water layer of the candle.

Noy and I trying to light our unity candle -
it held on for a while then went pffft.

This time, Noy decided it was time to put the candle, or what would be left of it, to good use. So he removed everything - first the gel, then the icky-smelling water underneath, the large glob of dirt, the trinkets and finally the sand. He washed the vase like there was no tomorrow, put the sand back on, some real plants, and live fish. We have an aquarium now - fantastic! :D

It was Father Martin's (the priest at our wedding) idea to put a regular
candle on top of our unity candle to keep "it" burning.

Then we noticed the pair of rings amongst the pile of trinkets that used to rest on the sand. We tried them on - and the rusty thingamajigs fit perfectly. I know, I know, it's coincidence. But it made us feel giddy. I mean, how could the candle maker have guessed our ring sizes correctly? Did she somehow foresee that one day two years after the wedding, we'd disassemble the whole thing and try the rings on? It would make no sense to some, but for the hopelessly romantic like me who'd watch Serendipity over and over, it makes all but good, hopeful sense...

The rusty rings from the unity candle. I wish I had a better picture,
but I'm very well hoping my hand would be distinguished from Noy's.

That someday, when I try to dissect my whole life, I'd see the perfect fit in everything I have done and will be doing.
That someday, when I try to look back at the relationships I made, I'd be thankful for both the good & bad because I ultimately ended up with a wonderful husband, I chose to stand by and support my family, and I have an amazing set of friends, colleagues, and co-workers.
That one day, I'd fully understand why my life is not so perfect as others'.
That everyday, I may be faithful despite the challenges and storms, confident of God's love and His Perfect Plan.
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